Second-year curriculum at North Bennet with fifth-scale models
Sec­ond-year cur­ricu­lum at North Ben­net with fifth-scale models
Simplified, millimeter, and Rubow bindings with fifth-scale miniatures
Sim­pli­fied bind­ing with nat­ur­al spine and blue goatskin boards and blue and brown sewn end­band, Rubow bind­ing with maroon goat edges and end­bands, grey paste paper sides, and graphite head, and mil­lime­ter bind­ing with blue goat spine, cor­ners, and end­band, acrylic mar­bled paper sides, and graphite head, with fifth-scale mod­els in front.
Three Cambridge panel bindings, two with all-over gold tooled spines, with full-size model in background showing red sprinkled edge.
Fifth-scale Cam­bridge pan­el bind­ings with all-over gold tooled spine and board edges and red paint­ed head edge, one plain calf bind­ing, and full-size mod­el in back­ground show­ing red sprin­kled edges.
Vellum binding with alum-tawed pig thongs and foredge ties, with fifth-scale model in uterine calf with red painted edge.
Vel­lum bind­ing with alum-tawed pig thongs and foredge ties, with fifth-scale mod­el in uter­ine calf with red paint­ed edge.
Grey goat tooling sampler plaquette with straight lines, Ascona onlay, gold, blind, and onlay tooling, circles with onlay and gold border with Ascona onlay, blind diaper pattern. Fifth-scale model in black goat.
Tool­ing sam­pler pla­que­tte in grey goatskin, show­ing straight lines and dots, Ascona onlay, gold, blind, and onlaid tool­ing, cir­cles with onlay and gold bor­der with Ascona onlay inside, and blind dia­per pat­tern. Fifth-scale mod­el in black goat.