2013 Treatments

The Life of Thomas Jef­fer­son Vol­ume II
Hen­ry S. Randall
Philadel­phia, J.B. Lip­pin­cott & Co., 1865
Con­di­tion report:
Half bound in brown calf sided with mar­bled paper with made end­pa­pers and edge mar­bling in the same pat­tern. Pale green stuck on cloth end­bands. Sewing is intact but the spine is very heav­i­ly lined and has cracked in two places. The text block is white laid medi­um weight paper with lit­tle dam­age. Spine stamped in gold with thin false bands and red label bear­ing title. Blind  tooled lines at edges of sid­ing up mate­r­i­al on spine piece, and cor­ners. Boards com­plete­ly detached with top three pan­els on the spine still attached to front board. Cor­ners abrad­ed. Made fly­leaf detached.
Treat­ment proposal:
Con­sol­i­date leather, con­sol­i­date and patch cor­ners with toned tis­sue. Poul­tice spine and reline. Reback in calf dyed to match. Tip in endpapers.
Before treat­ment:
After treat­ment:

The Ele­ments of a Polite Edu­ca­tion; Care­ful­ly Select­ed from the Let­ters of the Late Right Hon­or­able Philip Dormer Stan­hope, Earl of Chester­field, to His Son
G. Gre­go­ry
Lon­don, R. Phillips 1800
Pur­chased in Oxford, 21 Feb­ru­ary 2013
Con­di­tion report:
Bound in brown mar­bled calf with green leather label and gold tool­ing on spine, and tool­ing on board edges. Red and white sewn head­bands. Edges pos­si­bly col­ored green. Text block is off white medi­um weight laid paper with mild fox­ing. One illus­tra­tion oppo­site title page. Title page miss­ing cor­ner. Sewn on three sawn in cords, out­er two laced into boards. Joints bro­ken, low­er cord on front board bro­ken. Cor­ners delam­i­nat­ing. End­pa­pers dis­col­ored and front fly­leaf detached.
Treat­ment proposal:
Con­sol­i­date and repair cor­ners with toned tis­sue and con­sol­i­date leather. Reback with dyed calf. Hinge fly­leaf with Japan­ese tissue.
Before treat­ment:
After treat­ment:

The Pub­lic Life of Capt. John Brown
James Red­path
Boston, Thay­er and Eldridge 1860
Pur­chased at Brat­tle 13 March 2013, pre­vi­ous­ly of Boston Col­lege Library
Con­di­tion report:
Brown cloth pub­lish­er’s bind­ing with heavy “T and E” cen­ter stamp on boards and title stamped in gold on spine. “E451 R33” writ­ten in white paint at bot­tom of spine. Sewn over four sawn-in cords. End­pa­pers smooth brit­tle yel­low paper with ink inscrip­tion on front fly­leaf and pen­cilled num­bers as on spine oppo­site. Text block is some­what brit­tle smooth off white medi­um weight paper with water dam­age at edge, with some sec­tions more dis­col­ored. Spine bro­ken at sec­tion 18. Sin­gle lith­o­graph plate oppo­site title page on heav­ier white paper with pro­tec­tive sheet tipped at the side. Ink from plate has shad­owed through plate and leaf behind.  Date stamp card tipped at top of back fly­leaf, enve­lope and stamps oppo­site. Cloth and lin­ing lost and peel­ing at head, back board halfway detached. Tail and low­er board edge lost.
Treat­ment proposal:
Cloth reback. Con­sol­i­date and repair cor­ners, board edge, and inner hinge with toned tissue.
Before treat­ment:
After treat­ment: